

This version is spoiler free.
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  • Full Name: Natash Iswere

  • Aliases: Nat, Natty, Iswere, gNat

  • Sex: Female

  • Pronouns: She/Her

  • Physical Age: 23 fixed

  • Actual Age: 50+

  • Species: Human

  • Attributes: Pact (Familiar)

  • Height: 5'7"

  • Weight: 142lbs


Capricious, Impish, Audacious
—⠀Personality In Three Words
It could be said that Natash, a.k.a Nat, is an incarnation of chaos, often serving as more of a wildcard sort in any given context. One may consider her a living, breathing meme. While her loyalties may come off as questionable at times, Nat does honestly mean well. Some may see her as the "crazy aunt" or "goblin" friend in a group.Nat is brazen, adventurous and a shameless flirt towards almost any legally available individual who may make eye contact with her. Despite her capacity to be a "gremlin," she can actually be quite provocative. Though, she can be quite provocative in every sense of the word. She has an air of mischief about her that can lead to some splendid, albeit dangerous outings. Even for those unwilling to participate!


Brief History

It is not hard to imagine Nat was just as rambunctious as a child as she is today! She was raised by a single parent; her biological father, Allen, (affectionately referred to as "Al," by most.) Though Nat was nothing short of trouble, her father was a kind and hard-working man who cared for her unconditionally.
Nat's mother, on the other hand, was an absent parent. Her mother, Bretta, was involved in what some may consider the "dark arts," taboo constructs and witchcraft regarded as heresy by the more prominent religious groups of the region.
In Nat's early twenties, her mother was killed, leaving nothing in her name other than a Familiar named Sven. This demon was a long time companion of her mother's, who was willed to take to Nat's side should she ever die. Despite a shared interest and open-minded view of the "dark arts" that her mother had, Nat was initially reluctant to accept Sven as a pact partner. However, in knowing he was all that remained of her mother and curious about the stories he and Bretta shared together, Nat accepted him.
Thus, a pact was formed and Nat was immortally bound to Sven, in life and in death from that day forward.
Mingling with the taboo and wilder sides of life didn't stop there either. One evening, Nat happened to cross paths with an unfortunate vampire, Leo, who she helped to get back on his feet and keep safe from the public eye.
Being a man of many troubles as well, Leo and Nat (and Sven) inevitably came to form what may be regarded as a somewhat unethical, but rather close relationship over the years.
Though they lived more separate lives, they would soon come to take on a rather wild and adventurous future (even for them) as a team.



  • Birthday: October 7th Earthen Calendar

  • Orientation: Pansexual

  • Occupation: "Iswere By It" Engineering

  • Past Occupations: None

  • Skills: Can design and modify custom gear and is proficient in combat

  • Hobbies: Traditional art, gaming, partying and generally being a menace

  • Favorite Colors: Black and darker shades of red

  • Favorite Consumables: Pepperoni pizza, cinnamon rolls and all forms of coffee and chocolate

  • Fears: Commitment, losing loved ones


  • Nat was created initially as a joke as well as a self-insert character; given this, her full name is a pun. "Natash Iswere" is a play on the phrase "not Ashe, I swear!"

  • The business Nat works for on the regular is a family owned business, run by the generations on her father's side. Being that most of Nat's creation revolved around being a joke, the name of their shop is also a pun. "Iswere By It"obviously being a play on "I swear by it."

  • Sven, though largely carnivorous, thoroughly enjoys brownies and has the capacity to devour an entire tray of them! Because of this, Nat often makes brownies and offers them as treats to Sven.

  • Despite having little to no musical talent whatsoever, Nat is often interpreted as a drummer in musical AUs (alternate universes.)
